Since we’re still without a Social Chair I’m sending this announcement out for the club and if anyone is ready (or group of people) to step up as social chair, please contact me :-). The great news is each event is being led by a member and we’re finding a super group of volunteers to help run them!
The below events are OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS, PENDING MEMBERS and GUESTS. pre-payment links are pending so keep an eye on your email. As we get closer to each event, there will be reminders and links.
Our next big social event is coming fast! You don’t want to miss this one.
June 17th (Saturday) 6pm-11pm
SUMMER KICK OFF BBQ and BAND…This event is run by Tom Schladenhauffen and volunteers. Eddie and his crew are roasting a whole pig (and it’s a big one) plus we have Tony (long time member) and his WORLD FAMOUS TOES band playing on the deck. It’s going to be an awesome evening! Cost is $30 per person and all members, pending members and guests are welcome to sign up. This event requires all tickets purchased in advance. The link for the event is here. More announcements on this event coming in the next week.

July 2nd (Sunday) 4pm-10pm
Club Cook-out and Band….Ali Filgate is running this one and putting Gary and his team to work grilling the american classics. We have live music from Winston (new member) and his band The Balsam Firs. I can’t wait to hear these guys play. Open to all members, pending members and guests. Details to buy tickets will be coming soon.
July 8th (Saturday) 5pm-10pm
Roger Gibbons Memorial Regatta party and Paella night! Richard DePentima’s FAMOUS Paella cooked on an open flame in the biggest pan I’ve ever seen. Open to ALL members, pending members and guests. Details coming soon. Volunteers needed contact Tom Schladenhauffen. Any ideas for a live band also contact Tom.
July 22nd (Saturday) 5pm-10pm
Edward Tarbell Memorial Whaleback Regatta party. Tom will be looking for volunteers and a band. Please contact Tom if interested. Open to ALL members, pending members, and guests. Details coming in July.
August 19th (Saturday) 5pm-11pm
Lobsterman’s cookout with live music! Chris Olsen will be running this event and looking for LOTS of volunteers. Bill Marconi and his crew will be steaming lobsters and we have live music from our new member Scott Brown and the Diplomats! Going to be another great evening on the deck! Open to all members, pending members and guests. There will be a pre-payment first come first serve requirement for this event. Details will be coming in July.

Don’t forget, we have PUB NIGHTS every Friday evening at the club 5pm-10pm open to all members, pending members, and guests. We’ve had some great attendance lately and lots of wonderful pot luck appetizers, food, and desserts!
With the new land purchase and firepit across the street, the club has a lot of options to enjoy. Hope to see you all soon.
Chris Olsen – Vice Commodore
603.988.6174 (text or call)