
Chair: Tom Schladenhauffen

PHRF-NE Portsmouth Fleet

PHRF: Performance Handicap Racing Fleet. These yachts are raced Tuesday evenings and on selected weekends. For more information of the class rules go to the PHRF-NE web site.

Weeknight Series

The Piscataqua Sailing Association (PSA) sponsored PHRF-NE Portsmouth Fleet Tuesday night racing is what we all look forward to break up our workweek and get out on the water for some fun and friendly competition. Racing is serious on Tuesdays for those that fight for the prized starting position off the line. And for those that like to get out and sail, the races allow for fun starts and courses that allow us to get one or two races in if depending on the wind conditions. These races are open to PSA members only. If you are interested in joining PSA has a first year free registration policy for new skipper and their boats. We know that once you show up on the line you will return again and again.

Wednesday night is reserved for Laser One Design fleet racing. These races are run out of Rye Harbor, NH just north of the Rye Harbor Boat Ramp. The club is registered as a PSA member and we have four Laser that can we used by club members to try their hand at this exciting One Design Fleet.

Thursday night is reserved for the J24 Fleet! The summer long event is broken up into three series of competitive racing. Great racing and great socials in the Club house after. Weekend Racing is open to anyone with a sailboat. The individual regattas are sponsored by area yacht clubs and the PSA. Each of the KPYC Regattas if followed by awards dinner social that is open to all club members and guest. Can you think of anything better than spending a warm summer evening on the deck overlooking the Piscataqua River socializing with friends and talking about yachts! Each KPYC Regatta and Dinner Socials can be signed up for by clicking on the associated Regatta link (when available) listed below.

Date2024 RegattasSponsor
June 22-23John Paul Jones Destination Regatta
2 Days to and from Rockport MA
JPJ Registration 2024
July 6Ron Gibbons Memorial Regatta
Commodore’s Cup Qualifier
July 20Edmund C. Tarbell Memorial Whaleback Regatta
Commodore’s Cup Qualifier
August 17Dave Mowers Memorial Regatta
Commodore’s Cup Qualifier
August 24    Single Handed Regatta
Commodore’s Cup Qualifier
Sept. 14Gosport Regatta
Destination Pursuit Race
Sept. 21Lobster  Double Handed Regatta
Commodore’s Cup Qualifier
Sept. 28     Chumly’s Last Call Regatta
Multiple Short  Course Format

Past Regattas Results: Click Here

For more details contact Dan Brown

Regional Racing Links:

Piscataqua Sailing Association Portsmouth regional association sponsor of the weekday racing

Gulf of Maine Ocean Racing Umbrella organization for Maine races

New England PHRF Source of rating certificates

United States Sailing Association